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HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam Pattern

  /  HPPSC HPAS Prelims Exam Pattern

Himachal Pradesh Civil Service Prelims Exam

The HPAS Prelims comprises 2 objective papers with a maximum of 400 marks. It serves as a screening test, and the marks obtained in this stage do not determine the final merit. The final selection is based on the marks secured in the Mains Exam and the Interview.

HPAS Prelims Exam Pattern

The Himachal Pradesh HPAS Prelims Exam is the first stage of the recruitment process. It consists of two papers with 100 multiple-choice objective questions in each paper.

Paper Subject Marks Questions Duration
1 General Studies 200 100 2 Hours
2 General Studies (Aptitude Test) 200 100 2 Hours
Total 400

Key Points

1. Negative Marking: There will be a 1/3rd mark deduction for every wrong answer.

2. Qualifying Paper-II: The Aptitude Test (Paper-II) is qualifying in nature, and candidates must score a minimum of 33% to qualify.

Himachal Pradesh Civil Service Mains Exam

The Himachal Pradesh Civil Service Mains Exam assesses the candidate’s depth of knowledge through conventional essay-type questions. This stage consists of 8 papers covering a wide range of subject areas. A strong grasp of subjects and analytical skills is essential to clear this exam.

Paper Nature Subject Marks Duration
1 Qualifying English 100 3 Hours
2 Qualifying Hindi 100 3 Hours
3 Compulsory Essay 100 3 Hours
4 Compulsory General Studies-I 200 3 Hours
5 Compulsory General Studies-2 200 3 Hours
6 Compulsory General Studies-3 200 3 Hours
7 Optional Optional Paper I 100 3 Hours
8 Optional Optional Paper II 100 3 Hours
Total 900

Viva Voce Interview: 150 Marks

Key Points

  • Papers I and II (English and Hindi) are of qualifying nature.
  • Papers III to VIII are compulsory, including two optional papers chosen by the candidate.
  • The Viva Voce (Interview) carries 150 marks.

HPPSC HPAS Mains Optional Subjects

Below is the list of optional subjects prescribed for the HPAS Mains Examination:


Indian History, Agriculture, Political Science and International Relations, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Statistics, Civil Engineering, Economics, Hindi, Commerce and Accountancy, Sanskrit, Chemistry, Urdu, Botany, English Literature, Zoology, Psychology, Philosophy, Geology, Law, Physics, Sociology, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Public Administration, Anthropology, Management, Forestry, Geography, Horticulture, Medical Sciences.