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HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Exam Pattern

  /  HPPSC Naib Tehsildar Exam Pattern

The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) Naib Tehsildar Exam is conducted in three stages: Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Interview. The detailed exam pattern for each stage is provided below:

Preliminary Examination Pattern

    • Each question carries 1 mark.
    • 0.25 mark is deducted for each wrong answer.
    • Marking multiple options for a single question is considered incorrect and incurs a penalty of 0.25 mark even if one of the options is correct.
    • No penalty for unanswered questions.
Paper Subject Name Total Marks Duration
Paper 1 General Knowledge 120 2 Hours

Main Examination Pattern

Candidates who qualify for the preliminary exam are eligible for the main exam.

Subject Maximum Marks Eligibility for Pass
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 100 33%
General English 50 33%
English Essay 50 33%
Hindi 50 33%

Interview/Personality Test

      • Candidates who pass the Main Examination are called for a Viva-Voce/Personality Test.
      • The interview carries 40 marks.
      • Final Merit is calculated based on marks obtained in the Main Examination and the Interview.

Important Note

      • Candidates must achieve the minimum qualifying marks in all four papers of the Main Examination.
      • Failure to score the minimum qualifying marks in any paper will result in disqualification from the next stage of the selection process.