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Trilokpur Temple: The Sacred Abode of Mata Bala Sundari


Mata Bala Sundri Trilokpur Himachal Pradesh is a sacred temple of immense significance, located in the picturesque village of Trilokpur situated at a distance of approximately 23 km from Nahan in Himachal Pradesh, India. The temple is believed to possess supernatural powers and is dedicated to Mata Bala Sundari, an embodiment of Goddess Durga. The beliefs of millions of people of North India including Himachal, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand are attached to this historical Shaktidham, which is about 450 years old.

 Architecture of the Temple:

The temple is an amalgam of Indo-Persian styles of architecture and is about 450 years old. The name Trilok Pur means a triangle of three Shakti Temples in the area. Each temple depicts a different face of the Goddess Durga. The main temple at Trilok Pur is the Temple of Bhagwati Tripur Bala Sundry, which depicts a childhood image of Durga. The second Temple, dedicated to Bhagwati Lalita Devi, is 3 km from Bala Sundry. The third temple is situated 13 km northwest of Bala Sundry temple.

The main entrance of the temple is decorated with intricate carvings as well as beautiful artworks that portray diverse Hindu divinities and gods. The temple’s inner sanctum is home to the Mata Bala sundari, which is constructed from black stone and is embellished with silver-plated jewelry and clothes. The courtyard of the temple is large where devotees can offer prayers and seek blessings.

The temple is famous for its history, legends, and spiritual significance. 

Establishment of the Temple:

According to folklore, the Trilokpur Mahamaya Balasundari Temple was established in the year 1573, i.e., in the sixteenth century, by the contemporary ruler of Sirmaur princely state, Raja Pradeep Prakash.

The Story of Salt Bag:

It is said that around the year 1573 AD, there was a shortage of salt in Sirmaur district. Most of the salt had to be brought from a place called Devband. Devband is a historical town in the Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. It is said that Lala Ram Das used to trade salt in Trilokpur centuries ago and mata balasundari came here from Deoband in his salt sack. 

The Divine Vision:

Bhagat Ram Das’s shop used to be located under a peepal tree in Trilokpur.It is said that Bhagat Ram Das kept selling the salt brought from Deoband, but even after a long time the salt did not finish. Bhagat ram das earned a lot of money from the sale of salt, but the salt was not getting finished. This surprised Ramdas. Bhagat ramdas used to light a lamp under the Peepal tree every morning and evening and worship it. Meanwhile, Mata Balasundari appeared in his dream one night and said that she was very pleased with his devotion, and she was present in the form of a mound (Pindi) under the peepal tree. She asked him to build a temple there. 

Construction of the Temple:

After the divine vision of Mata Balasundari, Ram Das started worrying about building the temple. In the dream, Ram Das invoked Mata and pleaded that he lacked resources and funds for such a big construction. He requested Mata to order Maharaja of Sirmour to provide the resources for building the temple. Mata immediately appeared in the dream of the then Maharaja of Sirmour, Raja Pradeep Prakash, and ordered him to build the temple. Sirmaur Nares Pradeep Prakash immediately summoned artisans from Jaipur to complete the construction work.

Renovation of the Temple:

The temple was renovated twice, once in 1823 under the rule of Raja Fateh Prakash and again in 1851 under the rule of Raja Raghuveer Prakash

The Second Legend:

While the story of Maan Bala Sundari’s salt bag coming from Devband to Trilokpur is more popular, the information board in the temple complex also mentions another story. According to the second story, devotee Lala Ram Das had a peepal tree in front of his house. He used to offer water to it every day. One day, a terrible storm came and uprooted the peepal tree. A sacred object emerged from the spot under the tree. Ram Das picked up the sacred object and brought it home to start worshiping it. Pleased with his devotion, Maan appeared to him in a dream and instructed him to build a temple. Bhagat Lala Ram Das Ji discussed the dream with Sirmaur Nares, who devotedly built the Trilokpur temple.

Significance of the Temple:

Twice a year, fairs are held at the Mata Balasundari temple located in Trilokpur during the Navratri festival in the months of Chaitra and Ashwani. The fair that takes place during the Chaitra month is known as the big fair, while the one held on Navratri of Ashwani month is called the small fair

Presently, this holy site has become an international destination for religious tourism. During the fair, langars are arranged for the convenience of devotees. Pilgrims can also stay in the temple complex’s accommodations and inns. Moreover, necessary arrangements for security and healthcare are also provided. Devotees have complete faith and devotion in Maa Balasundari. The Shakti Dham at Trilokpur is the abode of Maa Tripuri Balasundari in her divine form. Desires expressed by devotees here are sure to be fulfilled, and they attain happiness and prosperity.

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