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  /  Himachal   /  Himachal Pradesh to Seek New Horticulture Development Project (HDP 2.0)

Himachal Pradesh to Seek New Horticulture Development Project (HDP 2.0)

The Himachal Pradesh government is seeking a
new World Bank-aided Horticulture Development Project (HDP) after the current
project ends in June 2024. The existing project, with a budget of Rs 1,000
crore, focused on temperate fruits like apples and stone fruits.

What is HDP?

HDP stands for Horticulture Development
Project. It’s a government initiative, often supported by external funding like
the World Bank, that aims to improve the horticulture sector in a specific
region. These projects typically focus on various aspects of fruit and
vegetable production, with the goal of increasing productivity, profitability,
and sustainability for farmers.

HDP 2.0: Focus on Technology, Organic Farming, and Water Efficiency

The proposed HDP 2.0 will also have a budget
of around Rs 1,000 crore. However, its focus will shift towards leveraging technology to
improve fruit production and productivity. This includes promoting:

  • Organic Farming: The
    project will encourage a shift towards organic farming practices.
  • Water-Efficient Farming:
    Techniques that minimize water usage in horticulture will be a priority.
  • High-Density Plantation: The
    project aims to accelerate the transition from traditional apple orchards
    to high-density plantations, a method that has seen slower adoption than

Successes of the Current HDP

The outgoing HDP focused on infrastructure
development and providing resources to horticulturalists. Key achievements

  • Construction of Mandis: The
    project funded the building of several mandis, or marketplaces, for
    farmers to sell their produce.
  • Enhanced Cold Storage: New
    and improved cold storage facilities were built to extend the shelf life
    of fruits.
  • Imported Planting Material:
    High-quality planting material was imported from abroad to improve crop
    health and yields.
  • State-of-the-Art Processing Plant: A modern fruit processing plant was established at Parala to
    benefit growers.

Utilizing Remaining Funds and
Seeking Extension

With the current HDP ending in June, there are
still around Rs 50 crore unused. The government has requested a three-month
extension from the World Bank to utilize these remaining funds.

Overall, HDP 2.0 reflects a shift towards
sustainable and efficient horticultural practices in Himachal Pradesh. The
project aims to empower farmers with new technologies and resources to increase
fruit production and profitability.

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