General Studies Simplified by Jokta Academy is a comprehensive guide designed for aspirants preparing for various competitive exams, including UPSC, HAS, State PCS, CDS, NDA, SSC, Railway, Indian Forest Services, Indian Economic Services, Combined Engineering Services, Naib Tehsildar, SI, Patwari, Police Constable, TET, PGT, TGT, UGC, and other examinations.
This book covers key study modules such as:
- Indian History
- Polity
- Geography
- Economy
- General Knowledge on Mahatma Gandhi
- Science
- Environment
- Disaster Management
With over 2000+ one-liner questions, this book is an essential resource for quick revision and concept clarity. The structured content and easy-to-understand explanations make it a must-have for aspirants aiming to excel in competitive exams.
Jokta Academy, known for its expert coaching and successful candidates, ensures that this book serves as a valuable asset in your exam preparation journey.