Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project
Himachal Pradesh is a hilly state located at the foot of the Western Himalayas. The state covers an area of 556.7 million hectares and has a population of 6.86 million people. Agriculture is the main occupation, with around 69% of the working population engaged in farming. However, agriculture accounts for only 20% of the Gross State Domestic Products (GSDP). The low productivity of agriculture is partly due to the limited area available for crop cultivation, which is only 10% of the total land area of the state. This is because of the hilly terrain, which means that more than 87% of the farmers are marginal (less than 1.0 ha, 68%) and small (less than 2.0 ha, 19%) landholders.
The demand for fresh vegetables is continuously expanding due to the rapid increase in population, especially in larger cities such as Delhi. To enhance agricultural development and farm income in rural areas, it is important to increase the productivity of the existing cultivated area by shifting from self-subsistence food grain cultivation to diversified agriculture. This can be achieved by adopting cash crops such as vegetables that are suitable for hilly and highland areas. However, to accomplish this, it is essential to overcome major constraints such as the shortage of irrigation facilities, farm roads, and insufficient marketing facilities.
Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project
In 2012, the Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP) and the Department of Agriculture (DoA) launched the “Himachal Pradesh Crop Diversification Promotion Project” (HPCDP) with financial assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The objective of this project was to promote crop diversification in the state and improve the socio-economic status of farmers. The HPCDP-JICA Department has had a positive impact on increasing crop yields and farmers’ income in the project area.
Phase I
- Phase-I was implemented in selected sites in only 5 districts.
- The project included the construction of 210 small irrigation schemes, 29.40 km of link roads, and 23 collection centers.
- The project area was limited to 5 districts: Kangra, Mandi, Una, Bilaspur, and Hamirpur.
- Under the supervision of the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), a study was conducted to evaluate the impact of HPCDP-JICA. The crop diversification promotion project was worth Rs. 321 crores and was implemented in the state with the assistance of JICA.
- The success of HPCDP-JICA Phase-I, which was initially started from 2011 till 2018, led to a two-year extension till 2020.
The project’s objectives include:
1. Increasing the area and production of vegetables
2. Increasing the income of small and marginal farmers
3. Creating infrastructure for irrigation
4. Creating farm access through roads
5. Developing marketing linkages
6. Creating postharvest facilities
7. Increasing income per unit area per unit time by diversifying to cash crop cultivation
8. Training and capacity building of Department of Agriculture field extension staff.